Persons receiving a juror summons from the Belmont County Clerk of Court’s office have been randomly chosen for the pool of voters prospective Petit and Grand Jurors.
For more information, please click:
Prospective jurors must immediately complete the juror questionnaire and return it in a self-addressed, stamped envelope. All information received will be treated confidentially. It is important to provide complete information so that the Court can either qualify you to serve or excuse you from service.
If a prospective juror encounters circumstances, such as personal emergencies, reasonable accommodations will be made provided. Special circumstances will be addressed on an individual basis and should be referred to the Clerk of Courts Office at (740) 695-2121, ext. 1040.
Please remember to keep your summons available as a reference. It is important to bring the summons with you on the first day of service.
If a juror fails to attend and serve a term, without having been excused, the Court of Common Pleas may impose a fine; direct the Sheriff to arrest the juror; compel the juror to serve; or find the juror in contempt in Court.